Thursday, April 30, 2009

Here we go...

Why am I starting this blog? I suppose it's a place for me to store information. I'm always finding things across the net, and need a place to keep them. Also, with my terrible memory, I need a palce to keep track of some thoughts as well. Lastly, I have an office job that doesn't amount to much of anything. I mostly sit at this computer all day browsing the internet anyway.

Let us start with my current internet obsession with America's Next Top Model contestant, Allison Harvard. There are already a million (okay maybe not a million) sites out there about Allison, otherwise known as "creepy-chan." Since I don't know her personally, I can't exactly bring anything new to the table, but I can't get the girl out of my head. I'm hoping that this post can serve as some sort of therapy to help relieve me of this obsession.

Allison's photo on episode 6 of America's Next Top Model

Aside from her bizarre look, she comes off as someone I'd actually hang out with. From what I've gathered from the net (and her nosebleed comment in her ANTM audition), she seems quite quirky and odd. I like that. For some reason I find myself attracted to little freaks of nature.

Upon searching the internet I found her (now private) Myspace, no longer updated Deviant Art page, and most excitedly her Flickr account, amoung other defunct sites. Her Flickr account is filled mostly with her artwork. Unfortuneatly I'm no big fan of her work. There are a few cool pieces (like the one at left), but for the most part it looks like something I did in middle school. Of course, that also attracts me to her work, since I myself am no amazing artist (see for yourself). I can actually connect to her work in an artistic and personal way rather than be completely in awe of her talent. It does seems that she has improved with time (especially her portraits), and if anything, her work is certainly bizarre. She also shows an interest in photography, which I'd like to see more of. Have no doubt, I'll definitely keep an eye on that Fickr page.

I made an earlier reference to her internet nickname, "creepy-chan." This derives from her pictures which were posted on, back in 2006 or so. Those photos are what turned my slight interest in Allison, into a freakin obsession. Yeah, I'm a weirdo. I'll go ahead and end this post with a few of those old creepy-chan photos, for your (or maybe just my) viewing pleasure.


Anonymous said...

i used to have an obsession on her a couple of years ago,and I discovered that shes ended up in american next top model only yesterday!
her pictures were sooo strange,yet fascinationg I wonder why her myspace is private now:(