Friday, May 1, 2009

1966 mustangs and Art on Etsy

Driving down the highway, today, I passed a row of THREE '66 mustangs. I thought it quite rude of them to taunt me like that. They were in pristine condition, and I most certainly would have traded an organ for one.

So, as if the internet weren't easy enough, I see that google now keeps thumbnails of sites you've been to often, which appear when oppening a new tab. My internet just tried to trick me into downloading something because I have "multiple viruses" and my "information is under attack." It wouldn't go away without me closing Explorer through Task Manager. That google thing came in handy when getting back on the net. The picture of the mustang? One click and I had it again. The art I was looking at on Esty? Boom. Right there. Which brings me to...

Things found on Etsy.

There is so much to choose from, I may make this a weekly, or bi-weekly subject.

First, we have the image at right. Although I like it, it's simply a charcoal figure on paper. o_0. Sometimes I just have to slap myself for not thinking of something so obvious. This piece is priced at $450.00. I have no idea if she has ever sold one of these at that price. Regardless, I could pump out a ton of these and sell them for $50 a pop. Hell, maybe I will.

Please click the thumbnails to enlarge, as they do no justice to the artwork. Using permanent marker, this artist draws images on t-shirts. At $150 a piece, you won't see me in one anytime soon. However, if I had that kind of cash to blow, I'd be rocking that Beetlejuice shirt in a heartbeat. At the very least, it'd be hanging on my wall. The quality of her work is outstanding, and I can't imagine putting so much effort and hardwork onto a t-shirt.

This and other cool prints can be purchased from artist Kellie Schneider.

There are a plethora of abstract painters out there, but this one
captured my attention.
Her work is reasonably priced as well
as really cool.

Now that I'm braindead from browsing through the depths of Etsy, I'll bring this to an end. Sometime next week I'll explore other art forms. Perhaps I'll start choosing one item from each, or a few catagories, to post here each week.